Human manufactured global conflicts, chaotic weather and pharmacological carnages continue to escalate biological and planetary repercussion. Of course, we can ignore it all and just enjoy life, however, I don’t receive such detailed information to share, if we weren’t to be divinely, and directly involved in some way. The choice is ones own.
Creation itself is evolving the planet (or fighting back) and not through their claim of climate change, but rather divine evolution via the planetary system. In any case, we all know what happens in Space, happens on Earth (as above, so below). Space is consistently influencing and moving Earth, and its inhabitants through a constant, ever-changing, infinite, flow of energy, frequency, and vibration. We better learn, understand and accept this fact now, or the future events are gonna hurt.
This article is diversely geared toward bringing awareness to the massive increase of electromagnetic energy coming in from space, A.I., technological and biological warfare, invading nature and our exposure to it, which is harming the body, mind, and spirit, of all living things.
March, June, and November 2024, as visioned, are times relating to massive energy, geomagnetic, radiation activities via the government and/or other worldly being involvement using Technology/EMF manipulations. Whether its a technological virus activated power grid going down, alien contact or full on EMF war, I sense ENERGY as being extreme everyday, but especially those 3 months. Hence, this article.
Everything is Energy, Frequency, and Vibration, including ALL biological bodies. Energy doesn’t care what you think you know, accept, or believe. It sees only the energy our body’s contain and emit. Energy draws upon like-energy within every space. If we want to avoid harmful energy, then we need to act by the polarity of energy, not what we want. Knowing what energy does, physiologically, is the key. So study up because the totality of your body, mind, and spirit system is being ‘re-programmed and uploaded’ through rogue and directed frequencies, more than ever - disconnecting You, from the Spirit tether.
… "When you are immersed in ‘humankind ideas’ and EMF radiation, the Spirituals here or afar, cannot and will not communicate with you, safely. When unnatural EMF is in the way, it harms the body, mind, and spirit. While the divine spirituals honor the natural design, others and other worldly beings, are not.”
To connect with spirit we must alter OUR brainwaves to match ‘their’ frequency. It’s not the other way around. We are required to ascend ourselves toward them. They do not lower their being to us. In this, I share how to reverse engineer their ways back to miracles of life.
ENERGY (Magnetism) Every living thing is frequency, energy, and vibration. Electrical charges generate magnetic fields, and everything, including the human (heart/neurons, cells) body, animals, plants, water, cosmic rays, stormy weather, volcanoes, earthquakes etc, has an electrical charge.
As mass energy comes into Earth from solar flares, which is to peak in mid 2024 or 2025, vision revealed there are also beings entering from other dimensions because Earths shield has been compromised - especially, at full moons - which also increases EMF peaking, especially in vortex areas and aurora reaching areas. Which unnaturally has stretched as far south and North Carolina and beyond. Those in high places, have known this visitation for eons, and have veiled the public.
WATER IS ENERGY AND LIFE ITSELF - No one can survive without water and no one can communicate with the divine, beyond, without water.
What affects the planet doesn’t affect us - it affects the water in our body, which then affects us. Water is a conductor, and it, your brain, cells, organs and blood, are absorbing the energy of everything and everyone in your environment, and every piece of material we use. Whether energy from medical testing devices, wifi devices, cell towers, air, ground, including the people we associate with, the water in our bodily vessel absorbs the energy coming from it - AND now, in a technology addicted world, the body absorbs the physical energy from those things in the form of EMF and radiation via ‘radiation dust' which has been tested and found to be on, all living things, including waters.
If something is radiation based, we’re being irradiated. If something is mental and emotional based, we’re being neutralized. If it’s electromagnetic, were being ‘De-magnetized, Re-magnetized and uploaded.’ Add in the energy of massive solar flares and other worldly particulates we are unaware of, and every bodily vessel is a reactive receiver and transmitters, like CB radio or an unstable nuclear power plant, leaking massive amounts of radiation onto all living things.
FREQUENCY (Speed) - Our sense of time was altered during the 2020 event blueprint. Nearly everyone felt it, which is key to this message. You can know all you want but the tell of “truth” is what we “feel”. The sense many have had that other dimensions were been opened, is more than valid, just, and real, if for no other logic, through the use of proton accelerators (c.e.r.n. ‘super hadron collider’ who admits they have been manipulating space, dimensions, and time).
In tandem with the Sun moving away from earth, and increasingly strong geomagnetic storms, magnetic pole shifts, and who knows what, is entering our atmosphere from space, time has been altered - hence the need for the new “Prana Gandharva” calendar. Time shifted making the moon the prevailing frequency instead of the sun. When our unintelligent scientists exploded an object on the moon, it rang like a bell for hours. That Einstein event started the time shift, negatively altering space time, energy, frequency and vibration. In June 2022, we experienced the shortest day ever recorded. Airport runways are having to be rebuilt because the magnetic north is moving toward the Arctic/Canada with increased speed.
As usual, all detriment is commercial business induced. Even with studies proving mega-constellations (internet-wifi satellites) are in fact, harming all living things and our planets magnetism by depositing a shell of conductive material in the upper atmosphere, ‘they’ continue harmful, financial gain acts upon the innocent. They will not stop their rocket launches, or commercial flights where, pilots and passengers absorb massive levels of radiation. They are not going to shut down ‘their’ internet, A.I., or stop deploying satellites, drones, toxic chemical projects, bio-research facilities, or population reduction ‘simulations’.
The frequencies form these actions catalyzing and emit, globally and beyond, directly alter energy, speed, time, and vibration everywhere, enhancing technological EMF penetration into all living things. Add in the magnetic chemicals and volatile, conductive materials being injected into the skies, and body through science and medical business, it’s no surprise, we are experiencing an UN-natural extinction process. They blame it on climate change, Yet, there are hidden, conjoined cohorts, both worldly, and other worldly, engineering the energy and frequencies supporting the scene.
VIBRATION (Motion) Electromagnetic Energies increase during solar flare geomagnetic storms near power lines and high voltage objects/items. EMF/ magnetic energy (auroras) have recently expanded to southern states Western North Carolina and even, farther south, proving our protective shield is drastically compromised.
Not only has technology testing proven radiation dust has been found on everything, including water sources, it is also found in pharmaceuticals, and the materials being used in pharmacology are directly electrically active, meaning they carry electrical charged ingredients. Devices (implants) in bodies carry direct EMF/radiation/radio active frequencies. Radiation dust on anyone’s body carries magnetic particulates - and hospital testings carry nuclear energy. Put these things in and near a water based body, and you have a massive vibration of ‘conductivity’; receiving and transmitting taking place without anyone knowing. I have yet to do it but, apparently a UV light or Black light can reveal how much radiation and graphene dust contamination is on one’s skin and environment.
Now, you may not have devices, or partake in medical things, but you don’t have to, to be affected and infected. The majority of the population does, and through contact ‘shedding’ just being near ‘the conductive’ you absorb the frequencies and radiation dust particutes, and can become sick, harmed, demagnetize, demagnetized and ‘connected,’ too.
The massive use of Graphene helps this transference. Graphene is photo-luminescent, nano-particles, 4,000 times stranger than titanium. It can host an electromagnetic field, and is an excellent conductor of electricity. It can become positively charged by Electromagnetic radiation, Radio Frequency, WIFI, which has been shown to enhance WIFI disease. Magnetized fibers, along with other Crystalline ingredients (computers are crystalline structures) communicate with energy and frequency - everywhere. Spiritualists use of crystals the same way, but they’re used for positive energy.
So what’s the result? … a species of magnetically charged, conductive people (programs), roaming around, ‘charging and connecting’ everyone and everything that crosses their paths.
As Electromagnetic energy, radiation, radio frequency, and WIFI signals penetrate them, their tracking apps, chips, and devices, project outward vibrations. Everyone has become an UN-natural receiver and transmitter, not only emitting radiation dust, but act like tuning forks, including animals, as many vets are using the same for animals. The result is illness, of course, but also all thoughts, location, and actions, are transferred through airwaves to ‘their cloud.’ The question we might want to explore is WHO is receiving our information.
Being DE-magnetized, demagnetized or neutralized from being able to sense, feel, recognize, and communicate with our inner self, Spirit, and Creator, we can no longer receive that which is GOoD.
Relative to the Prana Gandharva Calendar, since first, and foremost, planets guide our energy, frequency and vibration, we must be aware when Jupiter is influencing the planet. It is highly electro-magnetic. Just like the full moon draws up waters, its magnetism ‘draws and pulls’ the bodily waters up so avoiding EMF radiation/WIFI when Jupiter in power, and during full moons is wise. Note; Sagittarians, Pisces, Capricorns, and Aquarius are natural magnetic conductors, due to their magnetic associated planets. They are more prone to drawing in EMF and cosmic energy as radio receivers, and also, easily receive other worldly communications. Which is the next E-F-V subject on the front.
O-W-B It has been confirmed in many clinical research cases that O-W-B telepathically communicate and control minds. The contacted have confirmed many people have already had their ‘o-w-b duty’ installed, through telepathic contact, and that when EMF is unavailable, the ‘connected’ will be used by O-W-B as EMF ’ in order to continue to communicate. All I can say about that, is watch the documentary on Roku or Tv, Ref; “Extraordinary; The Revelations (2021)”… And ‘Ancient Aliens and the New World Order’ on Roku.
O-W-B sightings are increasing everywhere, the government is admitting contact, and with the unknown objects scanning our skies increasing, the subject does call for awareness, as a future event is expected. That way you have knowledge, instead of, fear work with.
I have received for years now, either a holographic scene, or real o-w-b ‘connection’ event will take place, and with 20 years of Pluto in play, the subject will likely be revealed in its totality. All. In all, they, the divine, angel’s, planets, spirit guides, and Every being outside of our 3D species, communicate telepathically. They can, have been, and will, influence those with lesser communication skills. However, remember, those of divine origin, do not interfere with free will or force anything upon you. Thereby, being technologically Unconnected is a choice, and if freedom is the route you want to live, consider the tips below.
Rising radiation sickness is all the proof we need to know it’s time to adjust our lifestyles. If we want freedom, we must transform our lives to live apart from the Caesars of the world, it/them, and their ways. Every civilization before us - before kings and rulers - knew this, and lived naturally, aligned with nature and the celestial system, and they survived just fine. They even lived longer and with more communal unity, respect, honor, joy, and love than our current human species. In that, here are some tips to consider.
EMF TIPS - Be aware every time you are connected to WIFI, EMF, and certain medical/pharmaceutical manufactured things, radiation dust is covering your body, and the electricity and waters of your body (blood, fluids, heart and neurons) are being contaminated, connected, altered, and damaged. You are being over charged and fried out.
The best would be to get rid of the harmful things all together. After all, if the internet is attacked and gone, we won’t have it anyway so best to re-teach ourselves how to live without it now.
To align our electromagnetic field of the body with nature’s energy flow, we should be connecting with the poles of the Earth and Moon. Anything less is commercialized fodder. Make sure your bed, couch, desk and any area you frequent faces face/head to the North and back/feet to the South, or as the second option face/head East and back/feet West. This will cure a lot of sleep issues and connect you with divine communications.
Radiation dust is on everything so be sure to wash your hands and ears after using devices and shower it off daily. As channeled, when it all gets “tuned on” shedding dust will be rampant.
Be very INTUITIVELY aware of who you are involving yourself with, and who is in your surroundings. If they are ‘connected’ it would be wise to keep distance from their body as you would with WIFI signals (at least ten feet) Birds of a feather flock together for a life-sustaining reason.
I use an Anti-radiation oil blend daily and periodic charcoal, clay, rosemary and rose.
Medications are being made with tracking devices in them. You may want to ask your doctor if you are on meds you can get off of. If the world tanks, you won’t be able to get the meds anyway and need an alternative. The government showed us just how easy it is for them to blocks access to medications.
Exposure varies based on how far away you are from the source. With an EMF meter, you can measure the amount of radiation you are being exposed to (Absorbing) from various appliances, areas of your home… and people.
Ensure your bedroom is on opposite side of house from Main Electrical meter.
Limiting screen time and putting your phone in airplane mode are great ways to start reducing your overall exposure to EMFs. Getting rid of cell phones’ and anything ‘smart” or ‘tracking’ apps are best.
Learn when electromagnetic/geomagnetic peaks are happening with Geomagnetic storms, and radiation storms; get an EMF meter and keep watch on space weather events. Many send alert notices, such as
Remember water and electricity don’t mix and can kill you. You are water and electronics and weather are electricity. Don’t shower or use water with EMF devices and appliances (dryers, washers) operating.
Avoid using WIFI devices when you are wet or when it’s raining, and of course, during lightning. Energy doesn’t avoid you because your a living being. It goes ‘through’ everything, especially of you are a wet, magnetized device.
Avoid EMF frequency devices, cities/especially smart cities, high voltage power lines and facilities, vile vortexes, A.I. and any products that emit direct radiation, electricity, and electromagnetic energy.
Use EMF clothing (pilots wear) grounding pads and sheets, and foiling electronics
Detour traveling on planes, and avoid visiting direct crossing Ley lines, and triangle vortex areas where things and people tend to disappear. Western North Carolina, between Viginia and N.C., is on the 37th parallel North, (Alaska, bermuda, lake ontario, great lakes michigan, arkansas lake, lake erie, pyramid lake/area 51 nevada, sulvabay turkey, sargasso sea, flanan isle scotland, lake anjikuni canada, pecos new mexico, devil’s sea japan, phillipine sea, roanoke virginia/western north carolina, superstition mans arizona, yosemite, ny harbor, amazon jungle, Australia, new guinea, green mountain forest Vermont, Bennington and any other ‘vortex’ places you know of. Higher radiation levels are in warmer areas between tropics of cancer and capricorn.
If you are using magnetic therapy, it may be wise to avoid it during peak EMF times, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and when planets are aligned in your constellation sign. Spirit has channeled to stop using magnetic therapy all together.
If you hear one-pitched frequencies (aka tinnitus) push your thumbs into your ears and hold there until the sound frequency dissipates. If you hear it coming through any device, shut it off, especially if you have animals. They can’t plug their ears. I have noticed high and very low frequencies being emitted through airwaves, tv, and cell phones, but it’s the frequencies we can’t hear that can harm/kill us.
When the skies are being trailed with chemicals, it would be wise to reduce time outdoors until the chemicals dissipate. Remember, gravity ensures what is up, comes down. Those chemicals get in and on everything.
Consider learning how to prepare an EMF/EMP safe room with heavy duty foil and earthing sheets, having no large windows, away from electrical meter, fuse box and electrical/WIFI connections or machines. There’s a reason Elon made his cars EMP proof.
Make your own faraday cage with heavy duty aluminum foil (or thermal blanket sheets) to block the EMF radiation coming from a device to your body the foil must be between the device and your body. If you place foil on the outside of a device instead of between your device and the body, you can actually increase your exposure to EMF radiation.
How To; Place your computer, laptops, tablets and other wireless devices in a cardboard box lined with aluminum foil to keep radio waves away from you. Wrap your wireless router in tinfoil.
You can also purchase faraday bags for your cell phone EMF protective device cases. Line the inside of your pocket or purse with aluminum foil to produce a barrier between your body and the radiation being emitted by your phone. Paint with EMF shielding paint. Line the side of your smart meter wall with aluminum foil.
Everything natural is Creator’s consciousness, and not to be feared, but honored - No matter who’s trying to manipulate it. Do not fear anything of this Earth place. It’s all just a temporary projection of consciousness from afar - We have never left heaven. The body is merely our soul projecting its consciousness (telepathically) into a visible vessel to keep the divine creation thriving. No different than being apparitions, angels, ghost-like beings and O-W-B’s.
Research the information as Spirit guides you to help determine whether your ‘New World Order’ is to be ‘plugged-in’ to receive Creators natural communications and consciousness - or un-natural artificial intelligence.