How Can Bad Things Be Good?
Podcast; Podcast Discussion Part 1
Part 2; Podcast Discussion Part 2
Jen, how do we deal with things that do not feel, look, or sound like divine perfection?
Response; First, let me point out the key word… “Sounds like.” If it sounds bad, that perception was made manifest by mankind. If it feels good, that is made manifest by Creator.
There are four major points I was shown during my near death out of body experiences;
In trauma and death, the spirit soul has been ejected from the physical body through the 8 Cells of Creation, aka the souls eject button, and the being itself, feels no pain or impact of a traumatic event.
Emotions are only conformity. We have no place judging any situation we know nothing about - which, is every situation.
Experiences are ‘for’ our ascension to relieve ego and embrace Creator and our soul-self.
Terrible, horrible, bad, wrong, perceptions are only bad and evil when we define them that way.
This is a hard one for a lot of people to grasp, but it has, again, been stated by many NDE experiencers… EVERYONE, every animal, every tree, drop of water, particle, cell, bacteria, mean person, and every harm, has a purpose. They, like you, and everyone, and everything, have, when in spirit, agreed to walk their paths, unwittingly. Each experience and event leads us to return to our divine state of being, fulfilling the works our spirit-soul was sent here to do.
Remember we are a spirit in a temporary body. The spirit exits, and the vessel body is left behind to decompose. In that alone we can clearly see that we are Not here breathing air to appease others or hoard ourselves in self gain. Every event, good, bad, ugly or opposite, happens as a process in keeping the divine spark alive and whole of infinite creation itself, in balance.
In referencing my own experiences, I interpret and understand every experience, act, and thought as a message from spirit directing me in my ways and communications with myself and life.
My process tends to follow a pattern of, first, I sense deep passion. For me, that is typically feeling pissed off at a persons harmful behavior or event. Not because they did wrong, but more so because after thousands of years, humankind still doesn’t understand, it is they, who manifest harm and chaos.
I’m not actually angry at the unsavory one or situation because, passion comes from within, outward. Emotion is opposite. It comes from the brain of ego after defining, judging, or analyzing a situation.
When we embrace emotion, we will feel horror and harm. When we feel the souls passion, we will embrace the divine light.
We can all choose to just focus on the soul’s spark and allow its power to empower us to do something better with a situation, either externally or personally. Every event is a force designed to illuminate something good - and the light is within every situation because it all comes from divine sources to ascend those involved with the situation. Therein, nothing is ours to judge, persecute, analyze, or reject.
Challenging, traumatic events are ‘personal messages’ signaling us to cease dishonoring and de-valuing the divine perfectness of our soul-mind which knows a hell of a lot more than our socially conformed, ego-driven brain.
Whether a child dies young… or its someone enduring long term medical issues… a terrorist event… or just a plain ole mean person, the Spirit world governs ALL things and ALL events as a diving process to re-connect those involved with their divine spirit.
People do upsetting things, Yes. That is because they are dis-connected from Creator, and their own divine self, which calls forth harsh chaotic energy to present itself as a way to cleanse and move humankind back toward Spiritual unity.
One of the greatest things I’ve learned in all of my experiences is Creator and the guardians do not want anything to suffer. Creator even made a detach button in our sensory system to ensure we feel no pain physically and mentally. Any pain and suffering we do experience is solely on us, because we choose to continue supporting the emotional suffering mentality, instead of the soul’s passion for goodness.
We must remember, at birth, we were ALL born perfect, happy, joyful and loving, with an excitement for life and new experiences. However, that went out the window the moment we casein contact with orderly adults. Right from the start, we were corrected, taught, punished, scolded, and trained to follow the adults perceptions. We were shaped into little mini-me’s, as corrupt, suffering minds dissolved our perfect innocent child-heart beingness. We grew to become fearful and obedient to humankind instead of, Creator… and we’ve been trapped in that pit, ever since.
Think back to being a child’s and how many times adults told you… Don’t do that, it will hurt or kill you… Oh, I know it hurts… Oh that’s terrible… Don't be a bad boy/girl… You will get sick, if… You must do as your told, and the classics… You can’t say that, its wrong… Don’t tell anyone about your special friends… Everything had/has a punishment attached to it.
Even innocent house pets have been subjected to the same ‘training.’
From day one, we were trained to conform to fear, erred judgment, and the suffering mentality.
However, on the spiritual side, it is divinely purposeful in the grand design.
Think back, how many times have you heard someone who has experienced traumatic events and a hardship say they wouldn’t be who they are today if they hadn’t gone through that. Even benevolent foundations are implemented from traumatic events.
Beyond us, everything IS perfect love, unity, and harmony. It is only here, we need the wake-up calls., and our experiences are presented to do just that. We may be walking byproducts of someones else’s beliefs, but we are, first, a living, breathing entity of the greatest divine Creator.
All events are ‘for’ us - not against us. So the next time something ‘sounds like’ it’s bad, horrible, evil, or wrong, and you are not spiritually compelled to a direct hands on action, try letting Spirit do their job. They don’t need our input at all. They do it perfectly and know exactly what’ happening at all times, and before it even happens. There’s a beautiful divine touch within everything.
Creator designed the perfect saving grace within our design through “8 sensory cells” within the body’s sensory areas, a soul eject button, so to speak, which spares us from actually feeling pain and suffering in the body and mind, when harsh experiences occur.
When we perceive someone or an animal is in pain and suffering, it does not mean they are. I, and countless other NDE/OOOB experiencers, have experienced, just the opposite. Once the spirit-soul leaves the body, you feel nothing. The body vessel may be moving, yelling or acting all crazy-like, but that is just a mechanical response from stored reflex and memory. ’You’ are not there, and likely enjoying an amazing moment in the afterlife.
So I interpret all trauma or death related events with knowing the beings were gone before the harsh event even happened. Again, based on experiencing it myself, the spirit-soul does exit the body, and quite easily.
The divine beings know exactly when to put us in something, and when to remove us. They do it all the time.
If you truly believe in a divine Source, or you claim to love and honor Creator God, and God is ALL perfect in all things - Then, nothing can be broken, flawed, bad, or wrong, which includes you, everyone, and everything that happens. The light always shines, and there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, somewhere. We just have to want to ‘seek’ the flicker.
Having many of my own challenging experiences, I conclude now, stating… “Well, guess I’m getting another feather added to my wings”
and when I hear of something upsetting, I know, “The divine council is just guiding us, closer to them”.
Try embracing a new mindset - Your self, soul, and Spirit world will thank you.