First, and foremost, THANK YOU, ALL for your love and support!!!!!
As most are aware, after hurricane Helene decimated my area, I went M.I.A. focusing on aftermath recovery, which led to experiencing a lot awakenings and amazing connections. To illuminate various aspects and levels of consciousness, which naturally accompany disasters, I am led share a page from my book, as a disaster may affect you, in the future, and it may help with, insight.
I had been sounding the alarm since January 24, about the disasters coming, in September, to January. Those knowings, prepared me mentally and spiritually for what has been happening, but not physically.
I have been displaced from my home, living at a hotel, for nearly four months, now. I have no income, I cannot sustain my business, and what little I do make, goes to food for me and my animal guides. And, oh yes, bills, so the greed driven kings, can have their ransom.
While it appears, to the naked eye, that I have been in a shit show and displaced from my home. I quote “Never judge a book by its cover.” I have, in fact, been placed.
I completed my eleventh book, and as an added bonus, experienced the power of Creator’s mayhem, magic, and miracles. Mysteriously, my situation has even turned out to be a catalyst, laying the ground work, for my next, manuscript, exposing the truth behind the Helene, Geological event.
Therein, Truth, especially divine truth, can only be “revealed and received,” through, the divine Mystery. But first, the Breath of Spirit must remove our blindness, and restore our sight. Which is, exactly what the shadow experiences, do.
Mayhem, Magic, and Miracles
September 27th, 2024, will forever be in the minds of North Carolinian’s, impacted by hurricane Helene. I watched the winds of her wrathful, Soul calling, ravage my neighborhood, with catastrophic results, remembering Spirit’s warning in January, to prepared for a mass disaster. I recalled, I had accomplished organizing a disaster group, focusing on homelessness. However, I was trapped on top of a mountain, inaccessible, to anyone in the group.
I heard a tornado approaching in the distance, and within seconds, trees, and power lines were being ripped from the ground, as if they were feathers. My entire house shook, ending with a tremendous bang. A tree had hit the house. Thankfully, upon inspection, it did not destroy the whole house. I began gathering my survival supplies, and then, sat down, waiting for divine direction.
I began thinking the worst and became anxious about what we would face in the aftermath. I had no other recourse but to chuckle, throw my hands up, and ask the divine for direction. Well, that direction, appeared instantly, and it was as pure, and simple, as you could get.
With winds still howling, I looked up to see my little squirrel, that I hand feed everyday, hanging on the screen door, for dear life, asking for her nuts. She was as happy as could be, acting as if it was just another beautiful day in the neighborhood. I was ecstatic, to see her, and told her how glad I was she made it through the storm.
Then, I heard my direction… "If a tiny little squirrel can be so carefree, brave and happy, having no worries, at all, then so should you.” I blessed her with all the nuts she wanted, as she reminded me to ‘Be’ as Popop (God) made me… carefree and happy.
When the storm cleared, embodying her pure of heart, consciousness, I went outside to inspect, and found an entire forest of massive trees, completely surrounding my home, like a labyrinth. My house and car were barely visible, but as I looked upon the scene, it was clear, those trees, had fallen in such a precise way, to create a fortress, which ended up protecting me, the house, and car, from further damage. Speechless I stood in awe, and pure spiritual gratitude.
I understood clearly, no matter what my eyes saw, or what my brain recalled, I knew, I had no other option, but to walk through the trenches of Mayhem, seeking Creator’s Magic, Mystery, and Miracles.
The roads were gone, everywhere. We had no electric, no water, no phone service, and few automobiles. While I saw disaster everywhere, I sensed, inside, it wasn’t a disaster, at all. I stood there, fully knowing, this was a divine event, and a soul calling, for me and countless others. Oddly, somehow, I understood, we were being chosen to witness, truth.
I began cleaning up what I could, preparing for a long haul, and simply waited for further direction. The long haul, first, brought God’s army to the front lines, within an hour of the storm.
Neighbors were helping anyone, and everyone. Not the town officials, police, Fire Department, FEMA, or other related governments. It was the divine presence, and We, the people, first on scene, who put boots on the ground.
Many residents were completely caught off guard, and did not prepare for the storm, and no one expected the aftermath, that followed. Many were without food, water, medical needs, automobiles, and many were alone. But, a miraculous force of soul warriors helped everyone receive what they needed. I was prepared, but I did not have any drinking water, which made me very nervous. But hey, that’s on me. Prior to the storm, I had been spiritually led to get cases of water, and I did not.
Honestly, I witnessed so much love and kindness, I was pleasantly surprised. I truly felt bathed, in sacred love, everyday. That is why, it didn’t feel like a disaster, at all. I could see the magic and miracles, in the making. In the background of my senses, I also knew, whatever we endured during the recovery process, was intended to revitalize the child heart, within all involved, so we could reconnect and witness, Creator/God, in every moment.
Having very little social involvement, outside of work, it’s like pulling teeth, to get me involved in the public and social events. And even more so, if unsavory people are involved. Yet, I did become disheartened, though. Having been led to prepare for this event, since January, I was fully ready, to go into warrior mode, and stampede through the chaos.
However, Spirit deemed, I sit this one out, because I, ended up being one needing assistance. This became clear, when a friend, joyfully, said, “You take care of everyone. OMG, I’m so happy I get to be the one, to take care of you.”
Hearing her say that, prompted me to recall why I had been summoned to the heavens, again, in May. Knowing full well, whatever I endured during the recovery process, was to revitalize my doing what I love, which is, seeing Creator in everything, and sharing that magic with a joyful presence.
As a experiencial writer, I know when I am removed from the world, it’s Creator’s time. When I am involved in the world, it’s time to share the divine presence. However, I often ignored, the latter. At the beginning of the year, while moving from a premonition to prediction state, I was involved in experiencing extensive visions and messages pertaining to the future state of humanity.
To date, December 2024, just about everything I received, has come to be. When my spiritual receiving’s, and visions began, I knew I had at least, until September to record them all. That’s exactly what happened. The geological event, hurricane Helen hit, September 27th, and I was forced, off grid. Having to leave my home, and mountain top, I loved, I ended up living at a hotel. Even still, I expected divine magic would appear.
It did, and it began with a mysterious object. The day that I was packing up my car, to move into a hotel, I noticed a very strange, long, strand of what appeared to be horse hair, lying on the ground, by my car. Its length was about 3 feet long. The instant I inspected it, I heard, the word, “Unicorn”.
Now, I have so many odd, spiritual things happen in my life, that it wasn’t shocking. I busted out, laughing, at the idea a unicorn, a mythological creature, I’ve never given much thought to, would precisely, place a remnant at my feet. But I was sure its symbolic meaning was an important message, for me to take with me through my journey. Turns out it was. The Remnant reference, returned, later.
The unicorn symbolizes, the ability to negate the effects of poisons, physically and mentally, and bring magic to visions and dreams, making them reality. Who would think such a challenging upheaval in life, could be magical? The unicorns of course, and they were spot on.
The hotel housed, many displaced people from various places, lifestyles, and backgrounds. Everyone I met, there, had experienced great hardships in life. There were all types, drug users, dealers, alcoholics, abusers, mental upset, dog abuse, aggressiveness, and most, were dealing with having lost loved ones. The police were called often, sometimes a couple times a day. What better group of people to share the love of Spirit with, huh?
Even with al that variety, what I found in the people, and at that hotel, overall, were amazing, spiritually powerful people, and endless, divine connections. We spent many days, lifting each other up, and discussing the power and presence of Spirit/God.
What I found most intriguing, and directly related to the content of this book, was most people on my floor, at the hotel, had all experienced Near death, Out of body experiences. Come on, what are the chances, of that?! Even better, looking past their challenges, they were all spiritual powerhouse warriors.
I clearly recognized the most true hearted people were gathered there, by divine intention. It was the most beautiful display of faith, I had been involved in, in a long time. As each day, and conversation, appeared, I found there were so many people, seeking and craving spiritual union, friendship, and understanding. That alone, though unaware at the time, catalyzed the perfect opportunity for me to participate and illuminate the divine presence, which, also, solidified my own calling.
Being held up at a hotel, during the holidays, was rough for a lot of people. We, and our challenges, had already been cast aside and forgotten about by government, media, and even friends and family. But, Creator, does love very well. A group of true hearted, God loving Souls, came from Texas and Florida, to host a loving, Christmas party for us. Magnificently, referencing the ‘unicorn’ remnant, the ministry's group was called, ‘the remnant.’
They did not know us, or the area, but treated us all, like family. They gifted us with food, gifts, money, prayer, and fellowship, but the most precious gift of all was their sharing of genuine, divine love. My tears flowed, as I had never seen so many people, strangers no less, in one room, just ‘Being’ as God made them to be.
Two men, prayed with me, one of which, literally spoke the words of Spirit, right into me. He specifically prompted God to direct me, and show me what is needed of me. While not surprised, at all, the next morning, I received direction. The moment I opened my eyes, I heard… “Let the world go, and write.” I jumped up out of bed, and went to writing. The more I wrote, the more I understood, I wasn’t at the hotel because I was dis-placed. I was at the hotel because I was placed, there.
I have been a Spirit writer, since my 2005 Near death, Out of body experience, however, not wanting to be involved with people, unbeknownst to me, made writing into a duty. Yet, all it took was one moment of true love, prayer, and remembrance, to direct me back to my soul’s passion. But the most powerful re-awakening hit when I understood the fact… I can’t witness and share Creators’ magic, miracles, and presence, if I am not involved with others. Right then, the divine teabag message flashed before my eyes… “Life is a flow of love. Your participation is requested.”
Now, of course, we know we can’t have positive without the negative, first, paving the way. That’s just creation and the core of free-will. As I looked around the room at the Christmas party, I recognized great polarity. Some people were crying, others heart’s were touched with tears of love, some blamed the storm on the devil, evil, and governments, which is, legitimate. After all, God created warriors to eradicate corruption. While my mission is cored in, “Do no harm. Take no shit” I, in that moment, was seeking what I love most, seeing Creator’s presence, in every moment.
In comparison, I was led to watch the children. Oppositely, they were laughing, playing with each other, hopping around, with not a care in the world. Just like my little squirrel. I pondered, how is it, animals and children embody their pure of heart, with joy, and adults do Not. Right then, as I choked my tears back, I wanted my child-heart back, while also, knowing, ‘Being’ the child-hearted, Soul, God designed, in the midst of chaos, is the hardest thing adults will ever accomplish.
I questioned, why do adults think challenges, death, and destruction, shouldn’t happen? After all, it is written, in all sacred texts, that it absolutely, will. Especially, when God is calling Soul’s to the front line, which, was clearly what Helene did, and evident, by the party.
Disasters, challenges, and chaos, are the very things that reveal God's magic and miracles, because it calls forth the Soul. Hence, the necessity for chaos. But, chaos, only becomes chaos, when we believe in it. Yet, children and animals prove to us everyday, corruption of the child-heart, is a choice, and we do not need to believe in it or make it present. In that, I share, how I saw Creator’s presence, magic, and miracles, working together, with mayhem.
~ Mayhem damaged my home. However, Gods magic revealed unknown hazards with the house.
~ Mayhem exposed unsavory people I’d been involved with. God’s magic revealed everyone’s true colors, and showed me who the true-hearted souls were.
~ Mayhem forced me out of my home, to live at a hotel for months. God’s magic conveniently eliminated my “To Do” list, provided me the opportunity to establish loving, new relationships, and finish writing my (our) book.
~ Mayhem destroyed my personal property. God’s magic cleansed my space of old, stagnant, energy, so replacement items could bring in new energy.
~ Mayhem damaged my car. God’s magic protected me from driving it in dangerous aftermath conditions.
~ Mayhem stopped me from working at my business. God’s magic directed me to value myself, priceless clients, and provided me time to enjoy connecting with like minds.
~ Mayhem left people with no business, job loss, and little, to no income. God’s magic gave us distribution centers, and generous, kind people.
~ Mayhem brought death. God’s magic brought the Soul’s of loved ones and animals home, simultaneously, charging us, to embrace our inner selves.
~ Mayhem created homeless. God’s magic, provided a safer living space.
~ Mayhem revealed the corrupt and thieves. God’s magic exposed the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
~ Mayhem cleansed the environment of toxins and contaminants. God’s magic cleansed and restored nature, universe, planet, and wildlife with new homes, food, and nutrients.
~ Mayhem forced us out of our comfort zones. God’s magic re-connected us with our inner selves.
~ Mayhem brought tears to my eyes, witnessing the miracles. God’s magic made me understand it was as a calling of all Souls. After all, when times get tough, God is the first one people call out to, and want to see.
Mayhem, Magic, and Miracles reminded me, we must “Be” our passionate, creative child heart, for it is the pure of heart beings, children and animals, who show us exactly how we are meant to live life… embodied with laughter… playful… carefree… joyful… and fearless, looking for magic and mystery, in every, single moment.
Children and animals don’t focusing on lack, destruction, loss, and chaos. They embrace the divine magic show, life is, each moment, seeking Creator’s mystery, with awe, excitement, and intrigue - and without pause. So too, should adults. After all, if we won’t exceed what we can grasp, what’s heaven for?
After the Christmas party, everyone returned to their states. I didn’t think I would ever see the people who planned the party, ever again. Christmas Eve, morning, I was led to place the blanket, the man, who prayed with me, had gifted us with, on my bed. I had also written a Christmas letter of gratitude, which I wanted to deliver to him, but did not have his contact information.
Later that evening, talking with friends, in my hotel room, I was telling them about the man from Texas, and how I felt him literally breathe the Spirit into me. Just as I finished saying that, I looked out the window, and saw him standing there! Right outside my door, no less. He and his group had returned, to sing Christmas carols, for us. With my child-heart, I bursted with joy, amazed at the absolute, perfect, divine synchronicity.
I didn’t need to contact him, at all. Spirit did it for me. I ended up being able to hand deliver the Christmas letter with love, and thank him, personally. His magically sent presence, ignited my passion within, to finish writing, this book. Upon making the final edit, as I sat, in the hotel room, nearly four months after the storm, having no home, income, or physical direction in sight, I recalled the message of the bird seed, remembering, what appears to be, so - is not.
Wanting to unite in quiet, with that consciousness, I decided to make a cup of tea. As I looked down at the cup, there, on its string, laid a message looking up, at me.
It read….“Be fearless; Know that all will be provided, at the right time.”
And so I am.