Planetary Energies Influencing The Political Season and Rest of the Year...
Energy Alignments influencing life upcoming…
In keeping theme with planetary alignments influencing us, October positions itself for kick off, catalyzing the power leading up to Pluto’s ‘field goal’ in November.
October 13th and 14th are ‘Alien” related days, meaning other worldly being connections or things alien to our awareness.
October 17th is a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, all encompassing; All connections with WATER, and the 12th House governing; Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, and Focus on activities that involve; selfless service to humanity, Spirituality, karma, hidden Institutions, jails, hospitals, karma, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-injury, self-undoing, self-injury, endings, hidden strengths and weaknesses, libraries, armed services, collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity.
And involves; Clairvoyance, sleep, spirituality, oil, writers, artists, mysticism, religion, monasteries, Chemical engineers, charitable organizations, chiropractors, drug sales, photographers, life guards, the ocean, boating, fishing, ships, fountains, water plants, podiatrists, wardens, detectives, bartenders, water professions, large animal handlers, chemistry, secret societies, penitentiaries, jails, hospitals, sanitariums, swimming, service stations, wardens, poison, religion. drug sales,
Physical Ailments that may arise involve; The feet, toes and physical pain.
Activities that may help Balance energies; wear colors of green, red violet, and white, enjoy the company of Water, and communicate with it (Creator is also the consciousness of water)
There is also a Mercury (communication) opposition with Saturn during this Full Moon. Be very clear and aware of the words you express. Admire strengths instead of perceived weaknesses, work toward a beneficial collective unconscious.
October 19th and 20th God’s hammer or God’s touch influences lives, which may act as a return and/or replay of what took place in May 2024. In other words if you receive the hammer in May, you are likely to receive Gods touch on these days, and vice versa.
October 20th the Prana Gandharva Calendar alters from the 3-6-9 (triplicity/triangle) universe influence to the 2-4-8 “partnership” with Creator and Creation influence.
October 24th Uranus goes Retrograde in Taurus and numerically vibrates the change and transformation associated with the number “5”. Uranus is the God of the Sky and Heavens, and age of Aquarius signals the induction of the 7th and 8th heavens before Pluto appears next month, during 3 consecutive “alien” days on October 11th, at 11:11, on a numerological day 11, at the karmic, 29 degree power.
This Uranus day instigates change and reform in the areas of Electricity, technology, progress, invention, going against order, rebellion, and irresponsibility. As a comparison, Uranus was direct from January 24 to May 9th and then went Retrograde (energy stepped back) in May, on the 12th.
OCTOBER birds eye view;
Alien Days; October 6th, 10th, 11th where Pluto is karmic and direct, 12th, the 17th coupled with Full Moon Aries, the 19th, 20th, 27th, and 29th.
Gods Hammer or God’s Touch days are; October 18th, 30th, and 31st.
Jupiter goes Retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, until February 4, 2025.
NOVEMBER Bird’s eye view; (take note of the theme in relation to politics)
New Moon Scorpio (death, destruction, underworld) is on the 1st
Time Changes on the 2nd, signaling the final partnership shift from the universal 3-6-9 influence to relationship with Creator 2-4-8 theme. Notice anything referencing 6 (mankind/beast number) is missing
Alien days are; the 7th, 11th, and day before elections 14th
Full Moon Taurus is on the 17th
Pluto is in Aquarius on the 19th, for the next 20 years, influencing; social structure, politics, reform, control, power, unusual, intense dramatic happenings, overhaul society through science, inventions, and Mind.
Mercury Retrograde starts on the 23rd and lasts to December 15th in Sagittarius
December Bird’s eye view;
TWO new moons take place on; December 1st in Sagittarius and the 30th in Capricorn
God’s Hammer of Finger takes place on the 5th with Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn and on the 11th
Full Moon and Mercury direct in Gemini is on the 15th
Alien day is on the 24th at 12:00 (endings) and Jupiter squares Saturn on the same day
Chiron (Karma) is direct on the 29th