As part of my NDOOB experience in May, I received insight into the last (unfound) book of the Myan calendar. Archangel Uriel showed a page of interest relating to our upcoming experiences, and the same time shift which affected the Mayans, and their choice to leave the planet. They chose to embrace the higher consciousness specifically, to assist in this time shift we are entering now.
The Mya, as group souls, are directing the time shift from the 369 frequency our civilization has existed in, back to, the 248 frequency.
The time shift is catalyzed further with a Super nova (possible TCrB ) or explosion in space that illuminates the galaxy with the brightest light ever experienced. This event could be man-made. Time itself, will begin slowing further, around the time of fall time change.
To date we have been bouncing between speed ups and slow downs, with intermittent magnetic effect, swear compasses spiral out of control.
In simple terms, the universe and our civilizations have been functioning under the energy of the 369 frequency of consciousness, representing everything, numerically, 369 represent, and Tesla theory, which manifested communication and endings.
When the time shifts to the 248 frequency, the energy of the universe will affect the universe, and it’s inhabitants with forces that require us to live and function with the frequency of 248, promoting “partnership with creation and wealth”. 369 was vibration. 248 is raw creator/creation energy, frequency, and vibration.
This switch back to 248 (partnership with creation) is a magnificent transition. However, nothing will be as we have lived, learned, or existed, so it will be very hard for people to transition their body, mind, and spirit to function within the 3D construct, without their focus being in partnership and creation.
This fluctuation affecting time, is one reason why many people are currently feeling so tired and/or wanting to leave the planet. The impact time has on our body mind can be recalled just by looking at how we feel when we set the clocks back or forward. And that actually has no relation to physical time. Its just a mental shift. With a universe shift, how we feel then, is likely going to be more impactful with physical and mental effects.
Main catalyst to the final shift from 369 to 248 will be indicated by an explosion in space likely, supernova, TcRB, which I have been keeping an eye on, and am noticing a correlation between the level of the supernova illumination and odd things happening on earth, such as compasses spinning, and automobile clocks mysteriously, adding or losing time. Mind you this could also be attributed to extreme UV radiation, ionizing earths atmosphere, I defined when the supernova plummets its illumination, is when I notice impacts in our world.
A tremendous drop in illumination, was recorded November 6th and 7th where I recognized my automobile clock sped up nine hours in the morning, and then reverted back to its normal time in the afternoon.
In any case, time is shifting more and more as we approach November 24, 2024. in addition, I’m not sure what it is exactly, yet, but I received June 1, 2025. Also relates to explosion, time, and earths ionosphere.
So how do we adjust to a universal time shift? Start slowing your pace, and take everything in a neutral stride and mindset. Avoid “Full throttle go mode”, that is, if we can’t even do that anymore. Allocate time to sit in silence every day, if even for 15 minutes, and begin structuring all relationships and actions honoring your partnership with Creator and/or Creation. In other words, we must consciously take everything physical and see it with spiritual eyes, existing and functioning, as a soul. A good reference point is to look back on how the Mayans, and other sacred civilizations lived.
The universal influence of 369 energy of endings, only prevailed due to the loss, and replacement of divine consciousness and advanced technology.
We were all created, and all things began as the 248 energetic formula. It is the pure energy the soul is imprinted with. We are simply shifting eras back to that beginning. Which, is exactly where we all end up anyway when we leave this world.
We’re just being energetically moved to reunite with Creation, Nature, and Divine Consciousness, while we’re visiting the middle dimension.