"Emerge" Paperback Book

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Our true journey begins when we re-awaken to the spiritual power within ourselves. When that strength is harnessed, it is then we can heal and flourish beyond the limiting mind. 

Emerge is a reflection of my own ascension processes, which ultimately led me to feel better, think better, and be better. And it can do the same for you.

Cleansing and renewing the body, mind, and spirit is a process that grinds down the detrimental areas of the mind while simultaneously ascending the soul’s essence and consciousness. 

As a guidebook reflecting transformation toward the totality of becoming a more extraordinary being, the process of transformation unfolds in three areas. First, within the body, to free the genuine self. Second, within the mind, to know peace, and lastly, within the Spirit, to embrace the soul-self. 

Emerge acts as a first step towards opening the higher consciousness so we may free ourselves from self-bondage and illuminate our identity at the soul level. 

Comments ~

“You have helped me to see what I was too blind to see and to hurt to acknowledge. I’m letting go of my perceptions. I was finally able to see the truth.”

~ “I’m so filled with joy and love after releasing a block that kept me a prisoner of my own creation.” Thank you and the Divine for all of your love, guidance, and support. I can open myself up to love now.”

~ “I find I have to read, re-read, absorb, but I always arrive at an Aha moment.”

~ “Your work cuts both ways, as needed. You kick me in gear while encouraging with your strength, and you offer closure without making up sh*t just to pacify people.”

~ “Challenged with some of your writings which have stayed with me for weeks – I’ve digested, argued, disagreed, and agreed only to have the awakening anyway. I have learned so much.”

~ “This book is a new spiritual resource.”

~ “If everyone used this book, it would completely change mankind. It saves people.”

~ “It is an honor to be part of this. I feel so right now, and I am finally starting to feel at home in my own skin.”


Ego and Reawakening

My Emergence

The Pit

Chapter One – Bodily Release


   Illuminating Truth  

   Illuminating Negativity  

   Illuminating Love  

   Daily Journaling for Awareness


   Charge Words and Opposition

   Induced Stress

   Emotional Harmony

Chapter Two – Mental Restoration  

  Energy Creates



  Self Balance

  Yes and No Influences  


  Release Death 

Chapter Three – Spiritual Freedom


 Breaking Hell  

 Forgetting Hell 

 Remembering Heaven

 Great Darkness

 Forgive Me 

 In the Labyrinth

 Heebie Jeebies

 Your Web  

 Lakai Prophecy  

 Harmonic Life Suggestions

Chapter Four – Deepening the Work

 Great, Not So Great worksheet

 Decompress the Negative worksheet

 Redefine Love worksheet

 Childhood Memory worksheet

 My Movement worksheet

 Plethora of Negativity worksheet

 Relationships worksheet

 Fears worksheet

 Negative Aspects worksheet

 My Time worksheet

 Dissatisfaction worksheet

 Worry worksheet

 Mentality worksheet

 Restrictions worksheet

 Release worksheet

 All My Relations worksheet

 I Need worksheet

 Love worksheet

We are awe inspired consciousness –

And Yet , YOU are still so much more.

Publishing Details

Emerge consists of 276 pages and 46,726 words

ISBN: 978-1-7372790-4-4

Copyright © 2021 Jennifer A. Bryant. All rights reserved.

Please Email Order Requests To: Bospublishing@proton.me