"Woodland Angels" Paperback

Where magic, mystery, and life take flight. An inspiring life guide for children and adults.

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Rocks and Tree Tops

Just Wondering about Life

Into the Wise Woods

                The Ryan Earthworms 

The Shadow Dancers               

Forest Lights  

                The Makaiya Ladybugs

The Woods Come Alive 

                 The Jessica Fairies 

                 The Brooklyn Bunnies 

                 The Payton Flowers 

                 The Jacob Glow-worms

Wishes and Mysteries 

                 The Rylee Doves 

                 The Jonah Honey Bees

A Forest Monster? Ha!

The Magical Women of the Forest

                 The Allison Raccoon’s 

                 The Emily Foxes

 A New World

                The Aaliyah Butterflies

                The Miranda Ruby Phoenix

A Basket Full of Mysteries  

                 The Todderic Turkeys 

                 The Adamcarl Owl

Just Knowing Things

                 The Sophia Deer 

                 Lauralisa Mother Universe 

A Universe of Memory Dust 

                 The Shawnshawn Squirrels 

                 The Angel Doodlekobi

The Keepers of the Spirit 

                 The Earth Spirit Geri

                 The Air Spirit Jennifer

                 The Water Spirit Boni

                 The Fire Spirit Faith

The Mighty Wizard, Mitch

The Super Angels

                 The Archangel Raphael 

                 The Archangel Gabriel 

                 The Archangel Uriel 

                 The Archangel Michael 

We Bid the Farewell 

Drawing and Coloring Forest Friends 

Publishing Details

Woodland Angels consists of 24,557 words spanning 167 pages

ISBN: 978-1-7372790-0-6

Copyright © 2021 Jennifer A. Bryant. All rights reserved.

Please Email Order Requests To: Bospublishing@proton.me